Welcome to Estonian Yachting Union’s new homepage!

The appearance of our webpage has been renewed but its contents are similar to the former version.

Our webpage is built up according to the principle that short-term news and messages are displayed on the opening page as large as possible and information with long-term importance is displayed as small headlines.

The news window is a subdivision with the largest area on the opening page. Areas with medium size are used for the sections of currently happening events, Estonian Cup series and Estonian Sailing Team. Constant and more voluminous information about organisation, sailing disciplines, services and calendar can be found in drop-down menus that can be opened under main headlines on the opening page.

The webpage should be normally visible in all devices using Firefox, Chrome and Explorer browsers, also in smartphones. When using the older version of Explorer 8 the webpage will request to renew the browser, after which you will be able to view the page normally.

The former webpage will remain accessible on address http://arhiiv.puri.ee/web/index.php?lang=en.

Successful navigation!


Avaldatud: 24.january kell 12:36